Soon you can use Xcode to reconfigure any key on your Mac keyboard

Soon you can use Xcode to reconfigure any key on your Mac keyboard

wait what ? what do you mean ...?

We have seen laptops with extended screens on the keyboards from Asus or the notorious touch bar from Apple. Assume that each key on your keyboard have individual displays .

It's been no secret that Apple has been researching keyboards with displays on the keys to reconfigure the label on each key. Very few of us might remember something just like this from a decade ago. Optimus Maximus keyboard was the first of its kind . Each of its keys is a display which can dynamically change to adapt to the keyboard layout in use or to show the function of the key.

We can say this might be the better version of the same concept.


What is Xcode ?

Xcode is Apple's integrated development environment for macOS, used to develop software for macOS, iOS, iPadOS, watchOS, and tvOS.

How does Xcode plays a role?

Sure enough Apple will give a generic GUI for customizing the keys but what if one wants to go crazy. We already have Touch Bar on the MacBook and you can use the Touch Bar to display interactive content and controls of supported models.


well this product might take time , I will learn Xcode..

Ah, so you want to learn Xcode , great there are plenty of free source available but if you directly want to jump into creating your very own Touch Bar here is the link from Apple to get you started.