Introduction to Arrays

Introduction to Arrays

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What are Arrays?

An array is a data structure that contains a group of elements. Typically these elements are all of the same data type, such as an integer or string.

In Python, List is implemented as a Dynamic Array, In other languages like JAVA and C++ we have static array and dynamic array.

Static Array

In the case of a static array, the size of the array is fixed. So assume that you made a array with 5 as the capacity and you tried to add more than the capacity then it will through exception: Array Index Out of Order

Dynamic Array

In the case of a Dynamic array, for this you need not specify any size here you can keep on adding elements.

How does Dynamic Array works? When you are inserting in a Dynamic Array, first it will allocate random continues memory location and when it gets filled it will again allocate double the size of a memory location.

  1. Assume firstly it allocates a 10 block memory location, you keep on adding elements until it gets filled. Now you want to add the 11th element.
  2. now 10*2 = 20 blocks will be allocated making the total capacity = 10 (initial) + 20(After) = 30 Final capacity.
  3. Now all the elements will be copied to a new capacity of 30 and then it will insert the 11th element.
  4. Similarly if we want to add the 31st element the new set of blocks will be 30 + 30*2 = 90 Blocks

How are arrays stored in memory?

Let's take an example. Remember that the Indexing of array starts at 0.

scores = [30,40,50,60]
#the value will be 30 because the indexing starts from 0

We know that our computer only communicates using 0 and 1 . so lets assume we want to store 30 in some memory locations so first 30 will be converted to binary 30 = 00011110 in binary

Now we store integers in 4 bytes which is the capacity of integers in most programming languages hence 30 will be stored like

30 = 00000000 00000000 00000000 00011110 
#because  (1 byte = 8 bits)

Now the integer 30 will be stored in the memory like -


but for general understanding we will consider scores = [30,40,50,60] in below table -


Now taking the above example let's find what will be the result of print(scores[2])

  1. The Indexing starts from 0 hence when scores is assigned the value [30,40,50,60] it is pointing to the memory address at 0th index which is 0x00500
  2. In order to find scores[2] = the initial address + 2 * size of (Integer)
  3. score[2] =0x00500 + 2 * 4
  4. score[2] =0x00508

Adding an element in an array

Assume you want to add 35 at the Index =1


For this, Every element that occurs after the index 1st will be shifted by 1 index and the resulted Array will look like -

image.png The Big O Time complexity of this will be O(n).

Similarly, we can do deletion in an array and when the element is deleted all the elements shift up by one index.


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